Tom Wiecek is your local Dave Ramsey ELP Endorsed Insurance ProviderTom's Blog

"That's Not Covered" are the Last Words You want to Hear. That's Why We Want to Help You Understand How You Are Protected and Not Protected. This Resource Can Help You Make Informed Insurance Buying Decisions So YOu Can Get the RIGHT Insurance Protection for Your Needs.

Tom Wiecek, President

Being Prepared to Handle a Total Loss 

Being Prepared to Handle a Total Loss  Regardless of how careful you are, accidents can still happen and when they do, stress abounds.  It is never convenient to incur auto damages, but what if your car is rendered a total loss?  With rising costs of auto repair/replacement parts, along with soaring labor fees, a total loss may not be as surprising as it once was.  Being prepared to handle a total loss situation won’t prevent accidents but can help reduce stress and help you get back on the road as soon as possible.  Imagine having a car that is only a year old when someone hits you in the rear.  You get out and inspect [...]

Being Prepared to Handle a Total Loss 2024-05-23T08:33:35-05:00

Saving Money As Your Car Ages

Saving Money As Your Car Ages  Just a few years ago you purchased a car that was brand new, but as the years have gone by and the mileage has increased, you may find your N.C. auto insurance policy may need to be adjusted.  When you drove out of the car lot, you most likely took out full auto coverage, either by choice or required, depending on whether there was a lien on the car.  This full auto protection was necessary then, but is it now or are you paying for some coverages you no longer need?  Saving money as your car ages is indeed possible if you are aware of some key tips.  N.C. [...]

Saving Money As Your Car Ages2024-05-22T12:27:43-05:00

Public Wi-Fi And the Dangers

Public Wi-Fi And the Dangers  In our world today, everything revolves around technology.  Whether in cars, grocery stores, restaurants or coffee shops, you'll find people staring at their phones or working on their computers. While there are many perks to this, there is also a significant downside.  Did you know that some of those people you may see on their laptops and/or phones may be trying to steal YOUR identity?  So, before you think about signing onto your computer, you need to know about public Wi-Fi and the dangers associated with it.  Free Wi-Fi May Cost You   The ability to work on phones and laptops from anywhere is an amazing feat, but the growing trend [...]

Public Wi-Fi And the Dangers2024-05-22T07:30:22-05:00

Some of the Most Common Homeowner’s Claims 

Some of the Most Common Homeowner’s Claims  Owning a home means you will inevitably encounter some type of homeowners claim, such as a plumbing issue, damaged property, or theft, to name a few.  Regardless of the unexpected situation, you will be faced with damage to your home or property, some of which can be quite costly.  Knowing some of the most common homeowners claims along with having the right homeowner’s insurance protection is essential to protecting perhaps your biggest investment.  Helpful Information to Prepare for the Common Homeowner’s Claims’  Knowing some of the most common homeowner's insurance claims won’t prevent them from happening but can help you prepare for those unexpected claims when they do. [...]

Some of the Most Common Homeowner’s Claims 2024-05-21T20:54:42-05:00

How to Get Your CDL License 

How to Get Your CDL License  The trucking industry in the United States is the “backbone” of our economy as we rely heavily on the transportation of goods. Truck drivers are hailed as “essential” to our society and you may see an increasing rise in the number of people who wish to pursue this type of profession.  However, before you can become a truck driver or bus driver, you are required to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License, otherwise known as your CDL.  Find out how to get your CDL license today so you can join the other drivers in this most valuable profession.  Whether your plan is to transport goods from manufacturing locations to retailers, [...]

How to Get Your CDL License 2024-05-21T15:06:52-05:00

Does Your Home-Based Business Have the Right Insurance?

Does Your Home-Based Business Have the Right Insurance?  In today’s society, more and more people have set up shop in their own homes.  Operating your business from home certainly has its perks, but if an unfortunate situation or accident occurs, will you have adequate insurance protection for your business?  If you think your N.C. homeowners insurance policy provides necessary and adequate protection for your home-based business, you may need to think again.  Does your home-based business have the right insurance?  Imagine if This Happens at Your Home-Based Business  Imagine after being laid off from your job as a wood worker you decide to invest your entire savings in your own wood working business right there [...]

Does Your Home-Based Business Have the Right Insurance?2024-05-21T15:07:40-05:00

Insuring Lakefront Properties

Insuring Lakefront Properties Having a second home on the lake comes with its share of perks such as relaxation, boating, soaking in the sun, and spending time with family and friends.  However, there are risks involved when insuring lakefront properties that must be addressed in order to have the protection you deserve.  If you own another home or are in the market for a second home on the lake, it is recommended you address some specific concerns so that you can optimize the insurance protection along with your investment.  Considerations to Explore When Insuring Lakefront Properties  You love spending time at your second home on the lake, especially now and in the coming months, but [...]

Insuring Lakefront Properties2024-05-21T15:08:37-05:00

Insurance Protection for Your Chiropractic Office 

Insurance Protection for Your Chiropractic Office  As a licensed N.C. chiropractor, you have invested research, time, and money in your education and profession. You did this so that you can treat your patients with the type of care they deserve.  Each patient situation is unique just like your business. That's why you devote your time to determine the right type of treatment plan suited for your patients’ needs.  Concentrating on your patients is what makes your business so successful. Have you put the same type of concentrated effort into choosing the right business insurance protection for your chiropractic office?  Key Coverage Options to Protect Your N.C. Chiropractic Business, but Not Limited to:  You focus on [...]

Insurance Protection for Your Chiropractic Office 2024-05-02T08:49:24-05:00

Keeping Your Insurance Premium Affordable by Controlling Your Losses

Keeping Your Insurance Premium Affordable by Controlling Your Losses  Deciding to open a business is a big feat that takes time, energy, commitment and of course, money.  As a new business owner, you realize business insurance is key to handling the catastrophic losses that are bound to occur, but what if down the road, you find your insurance rates are rising higher than you can financially handle?  This is certainly an obstacle; however, there are possible solutions to keeping your insurance premium affordable by controlling your losses.  Your business was running smoothly for the first few years, but over an extended time period, you have incurred a higher frequency of incidences within your company.  An [...]

Keeping Your Insurance Premium Affordable by Controlling Your Losses2024-04-22T09:02:19-05:00

How to Get New Trucking Authority

How to Get New Trucking Authority  If you have ever wanted to join the trucking industry as your own boss, now may be a great time!  Working on a new venture as your own boss may have the benefits and perks you have been seeking, so if that sparks your interest, do you know how to get new trucking authority?  Trucking authority, otherwise referred to as “motor carrier authority”, is required if you wish to pursue your own trucking company. The good news is that once granted by the government, you can begin handling YOUR trucking business under your own Motor Carrier (MC) number.  Guidelines to Attain Your New Trucking Authority:   Decide on Your Type [...]

How to Get New Trucking Authority2024-03-22T07:52:36-05:00
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