Call Us at 866-869-3335 to Get the Right Cargo Insurance for Your North Carolina Trucking Business at an Affordable Rate!
As a truck driver transporting cargo, you know that each and every time you hit the open road you run the risk of accidents that you never imagined could happen, causing your trip to come to a screeching halt. Suddenly those goods that you are transporting are damaged and the freight will NOT get delivered as promised. Take a load off! Let Paramount Insurance Agency help you get the right cargo insurance for your North Carolina trucking business at an affordable
What is Cargo Insurance?
Cargo insurance provides protection for the cargo that you are transporting to a particular location regardless of whether the cargo is yours or for somebody that has hired you to transport the freight. Once you have assumed the responsibility of carrying the cargo, it becomes your responsibility and that’s where incidents can occur. During travel, the unforeseeable can strike at any given time, leaving the valuable cargo that you are transporting open to damage. What have you done to protect YOUR precious cargo?
Protect Your Precious Cargo TODAY!
Suppose you are transporting perishable cargo to a restaurant that is preparing for their grand opening and the refrigeration unit in your truck goes out, damaging ALL of the food and drinks that you are transporting. Not only is the restaurant not going to get their perishable items, but now the opening of the restaurant will be delayed. Are you prepared to handle this kind of situation? If so, do you have enough coverage to completely cover these damages?
Yes, cargo insurance will generally pay for damages that occur to the freight you are carrying, but it is imperative you have the RIGHT amount of coverage to avoid a heavily strained financial situation. Paramount Insurance Agency is a North Carolina independent agency that can help custom build your cargo insurance policy so that you will NOT be underinsured for the type of cargo you are carrying!
On the Road Again!
There are many additional coverage options available to protect the type of cargo you typically carry, so it is important that you are well advised on ALL of your North Carolina cargo insurance options. You may wish to upgrade the level of cargo coverage as your freight responsibility changes. That is why our reliable staff at Paramount Insurance Agency is here for you to guide you every step of the way in determining the best protection you need for your precious cargo!
We want you back on the road as soon as possible to deliver the freight you have promised! Take a load off and call us NOW!
Contact Us Today at 866-869-3335 for a Free No Obligation Quote on Cargo Insurance for Your North Carolina Trucking Business!
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