Hiring Safe Drivers for Your N.C. Trucking Business

Hiring Safe Drivers for Your N.C. Trucking Business As a trucking business owner, you understand the importance of your business reputation and how it impacts your success. Building your business takes years, but it only takes a short time to ruin it if certain guidelines and safety measures aren't in place. Your business depends heavily on your fleet drivers. This is why hiring safe drivers for your N.C. trucking business is vital if you plan to keep operating for any length of time. Whether your drivers work on a limited or full-time basis, the standards for their driving safety practices should remain the same. Driving trucks or vehicles to transport goods or provide a service [...]

Hiring Safe Drivers for Your N.C. Trucking Business2024-07-12T07:50:34-05:00

How to Get Your CDL License 

How to Get Your CDL License  The trucking industry in the United States is the “backbone” of our economy as we rely heavily on the transportation of goods. Truck drivers are hailed as “essential” to our society and you may see an increasing rise in the number of people who wish to pursue this type of profession.  However, before you can become a truck driver or bus driver, you are required to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License, otherwise known as your CDL.  Find out how to get your CDL license today so you can join the other drivers in this most valuable profession.  Whether your plan is to transport goods from manufacturing locations to retailers, [...]

How to Get Your CDL License 2024-05-21T15:06:52-05:00

In a Riot, Would Your Truck/Trailer be Covered?

The year 2020 brought along many difficult situations that changed the world as we knew it.  Along with a Pandemic, the year brought about many property losses due to riots, civil commotion and vandalism.  Streets all over the U.S. were swarmed with protesters and rioters which certainly created civil unrest in our communities, along with prompting a new set of exposures for the trucking industry. These difficult times have made trucking business owners take a new approach to protecting their trucks and trailers. Ask yourself  "In a riot, would  your truck and/or trailer be covered?" Business Solutions to Provide Peace of Mind During Those Unpeaceful Times, Such as a Riot Riots, civil unrest, and vandalism [...]

In a Riot, Would Your Truck/Trailer be Covered?2021-04-22T15:59:10-05:00

In a Riot, Would Your Truck/Trailer be Covered?

The year 2020 brought along many difficult situations that changed the world as we knew it.  Along with a Pandemic, the year brought about many property losses due to riots, civil commotion and vandalism.  Streets all over the U.S. were swarmed with protesters and rioters which certainly created civil unrest in our communities, along with prompting a new set of exposures for the trucking industry. These difficult times have made trucking business owners take a new approach to protecting their trucks and trailers. Ask yourself  "In a riot, would  your truck and/or trailer be covered?" Business Solutions to Provide Peace of Mind During Those Unpeaceful Times, Such as a Riot Riots, civil unrest, and vandalism [...]

In a Riot, Would Your Truck/Trailer be Covered?2023-09-02T19:14:42-05:00

Is Your Business Auto Covered Under Your Personal Auto Policy?

This past year has looked different than most years in many ways.  Due to the Pandemic, more people have been working from home and many people have decided to explore being their own bosses.  Running your own business has its perks, but many things need to be considered before this happens.  For example, depending upon the type of business you are running, have you considered what that means for whether your business auto is covered under your personal auto policy?  As your life changes, so might your N.C. auto insurance needs. Consider the Usage of Your Business Auto As a new business owner, you need to consider any type of changes pertaining to the usage [...]

Is Your Business Auto Covered Under Your Personal Auto Policy?2021-03-22T16:39:21-05:00

Is Your Home-Based Business Protected?

You have been working at a local business for over 10 years when suddenly the business goes under, so you decide to start up your own business.  There are many perks on the horizon, such as being your own boss, working independently out of your own home perhaps in your pajamas, and creating your own successful business reputation.  However, before you begin your business, you need to ask yourself some very important questions that if not addressed, could lead to financial devastation.  The most important question you need to start with is “Is your home-based business protected?”  Without proper business protection, you could be faced with lawsuits. Having your N.C. business insured properly should be [...]

Is Your Home-Based Business Protected?2020-01-06T19:57:14-05:00

Does Your Optometry Office Have the Right Business Insurance?

If you own an optometry office you understand how essential it is to protect your livelihood. Whether it is the building structure, patients’ medical records, office equipment, or employees, you understand that unfortunate situations/accidents can occur in the blink of an eye and without proper insurance protection, your business could be faced with financial ruin. Does your optometry office have the right business insurance? Your business success depends on many factors and providing the optimum care for each and every patient is your priority. However, what happens when you have a patient who comes in for a routine eye exam and slips on the floor causing a serious head injury?  Your disgruntled patient has now [...]

Does Your Optometry Office Have the Right Business Insurance?2020-01-06T19:54:09-05:00

Occurrence Versus Claims-Made Insurance

As a small business owner, you understand the importance of insurance protection, but there are many facets to understanding what type of insurance policy best suits your specific business needs. It’s critical that before you actually purchase business insurance protection you understand the difference between occurrence versus claims-made insurance. Assess Your Business Needs to Decide Which Policy is Best Deciding which policy is best entirely depends on your specific business needs. Some of the biggest differences include the following, but not limited to: With an occurrence-based policy, you are protected as long as you were insured when that loss happened. This type of policy takes into consideration situations/losses that may not present themselves until a [...]

Occurrence Versus Claims-Made Insurance2020-01-06T19:51:54-05:00

Home-Based Business Insurance

Imagine losing your job as a caterer with a local event catering company after being employed for 15 years. When the job search for other relatable jobs goes stale, you suddenly have a brilliant idea to become your own boss and set up shop at your home. Setting your own schedule and working at your pace in your own kitchen seem like great ideas until you begin your at-home catering business. Before you begin any business based out of your home, ask yourself whether your home-based business insurance is adequate. What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You Working from home may sound great initially; however, you need to consider some essential aspects regarding the insurance [...]

Home-Based Business Insurance2020-01-06T19:39:59-05:00

Crime Insurance for Your Business Needs

Owning a business means protecting that same business so you may initially focus on the liability aspect of insurance protection along with the physical part of the business itself; but is that all you need to consider when protecting your livelihood? Find out how to invest in crime insurance for your business needs. Protecting Your Assets Today and Tomorrow Businesses like yours can be a target for many types of crime, but what about when it comes from “inside” and your own employees are embezzling money? The 2018 Hiscox Embezzlement Study reveals that the average loss a company suffers due to embezzlement is $357,650, which doesn’t even consider thefts from outside sources. Business crime is [...]

Crime Insurance for Your Business Needs2020-01-06T19:37:26-05:00
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