Hiring Safe DriversYour business depends on your drivers for many things, including the success of your business; but what if you hired someone to be a driver and found out they were not following appropriate safety measures when operating one of your fleet vehicles? Failing to hire safe drivers for your business can cost you your business if you aren’t careful. Before you hire your next driver, recognize 7 tips for hiring safe drivers for your business.

Keep in mind there are many different situations where a driver for your business may operate. Sometimes, the driver may be a full time driver, while other times, you may have someone who works for you only drive randomly for various job responsibilities, but regardless of how often that employee is behind the wheel during the business operations, he/she is still considered a driver as long as he/she works for your business. Being aware of your fleet risks and working hard to minimize those risks is essential to the success of your business.

Safe Drivers Should be the Standard 

There is no doubt that safe drivers can benefit your company and here’s how:

The driver represents YOU and your business- If your company truck has your business name and/or logo, anyone travelling down the highway will associate that driver with your brand so any move your driver makes is representative of your business. If you hire someone who is speeding, driving recklessly, texting and driving, or otherwise distracted, it reflects poorly on you and your business. However, if your driver is professional, driving safely, and following the rules of the road, it tells a different story.

Safe drivers lower the liability risk- Fleet vehicle accidents are among the highest for causing significant injuries and damages and subsequently can be costly to your business. Safer drivers have fewer accidents, which reduces your liability risks and keeps the insurance premiums down. 

You Can Never be Too Safe 

Your drivers can never be too safe, nor can your hiring. Below are some basic tips to follow to ensure you are hiring the safest of drivers to represent your company.

  1. Confirm past work history and safety records
  2. Conduct background checks- Background checks will indicate the candidate’s past employment record as well as any criminal history.
  3. Assess motor vehicle records (MVR) for any traffic violations- The MVR will show that particular person’s driving history which includes any accidents, tickets, road violations and driver’s license information. This is an easy way to gain insight to the type of driver he/she will be based on their past driving history.
  4. Create and convey consistent standards for all drivers
  5. Verify the driving certification
  6. Conduct both written and road tests
  7. Specify to all applicants the required driver qualifications

Paramount Insurance Agency understands the need for your N.C. business to operate effectively, safely and successfully. If you have any questions regarding the hiring of safe drivers or any of your business insurance needs, feel free to contact us at 866-869-3335.





