Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance in North Carolina

Term Life Insurance in North Carolina: Affordable Protection for Your Loved Ones Life is unpredictable, and ensuring your loved ones are financially secure is one of the most important steps you can take. For residents of High Point, NC, Paramount Insurance Agency is here to help you navigate the world of term life insurance. This type of policy offers straightforward, affordable coverage that provides peace of mind for you and your family. What is Term Life Insurance? Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, or "term," such as 10, 20, or 30 years. If you pass away during the term, the policy pays a death benefit to your beneficiaries. Unlike whole life insurance, [...]

Term Life Insurance in North Carolina2025-01-10T13:50:03-05:00

If You Think Life Insurance Is Not for You, Think Again

If You Think Life Insurance Is Not for You, Think Again Living life means different things to different people. But if you are living life to the fullest, you also need to consider the future of your loved ones after you are gone. One way to provide for your family if something happens to you is by purchasing a N.C. life insurance policy. While life insurance might be uncomfortable to think about, it's important to ask yourself: if something happens to you, will your loved ones be able to continue their lives financially? One Life to Live You’ve probably heard a similar story: A father or husband suffers an unexpected heart attack without warning. He may [...]

If You Think Life Insurance Is Not for You, Think Again2024-11-21T15:23:47-05:00

Typical Life Insurance Myths

Typical Life Insurance Myths  Discussing life insurance may not be high on your list of preferred topics, but perhaps it should be. Many people have numerous questions about how much coverage is necessary, if it is needed at all, and what type of life insurance to purchase. This type of insurance doesn't have to be complicated if you are aware of some typical life insurance myths. You might not realize that life insurance is designed to protect the people who love and depend on you. Imagining what life might look like for your family if something unexpected happens to you is difficult. However, if you have loved ones counting on you financially, it is recommended [...]

Typical Life Insurance Myths2024-06-06T08:16:10-05:00

5 Mistakes When Buying Life Insurance

Life Insurance is one type of insurance that many people aren’t quite sure if they need and if they realize they DO need it, they aren’t quite sure of the type of life insurance most preferred and in what amount. Before you purchase life insurance, you need to be aware of 5 mistakes when buying life insurance so when you do make that investment, you will know the best type of life insurance most suited for your particular needs. Protect the people who depend on you the most with life insurance. If you have people or loved ones who depend on you financially, it is recommended that you have a life insurance policy in place [...]

5 Mistakes When Buying Life Insurance2019-05-28T22:34:14-05:00

Life Insurance Isn’t for You; It’s for Those You Love

In the blink of an eye, tragedy can strike without warning, and suddenly your family is mourning the loss of you, the breadwinner. You have provided for your family for years and worked hard to establish a comfortable life for them, but without you, your family may be left wondering how they will continue on financially. Nobody likes to contemplate life without his or her loved ones, but you must consider putting a life insurance policy in place in order to preserve a comfortable life for your family, should something devastating happen to you. Life insurance isn’t for you; it’s for those you love. Some Considerations Relative to Life Insurance  Imagine this happening to your [...]

Life Insurance Isn’t for You; It’s for Those You Love2018-08-11T07:51:03-05:00

Using a Buy-Sell Agreement to Perpetuate Your Business After You Are Gone

When you start your dream business, you typically don’t think of all the possibilities of what could happen to your business, but you should. Obviously insuring your business for unfortunate incidents is vital to the success of your business; but have you considered what may happen if you jointly own the business and something happens to you or your business partner? Using a Buy-Sell agreement to perpetuate your business after you are gone is something you may want to consider if you want your dream business to continue. What is a Buy-Sell Agreement? A Buy-Sell Agreement is a legally bound contract between the owners of a business that outlines how the business will continue when [...]

Using a Buy-Sell Agreement to Perpetuate Your Business After You Are Gone2018-05-24T19:03:04-05:00

Excuses for NOT Buying Life Insurance

Nobody likes to think about dying and leaving loved ones who depend on you with a financial burden, but have you prepared for this scenario if something does happen to you? Buying life insurance may not be on your top list of “things to do”, but if you have family/loved ones who depend on you financially, maybe you should stop making excuses for NOT buying life insurance and go ahead and contact your N.C. independent insurance agency to push forward and make the plan for you and your family today. Some Common Excuses People Use  Too Costly- Some people may think that life insurance is costly, but it isn’t! There are so many choices available [...]

Excuses for NOT Buying Life Insurance2018-02-28T06:27:58-05:00

How Much Life Insurance is Enough for You?

Life insurance is a topic that seems to come up quite a bit, either on the radio, with your local independent insurance agent, or on television; but do you really know that much about it? There is much speculation about how much life insurance one needs or if you even need it at all, so this topic can be rather intimidating, but doesn’t have to be. Find out how much life insurance is enough for you so you can stop the questioning. Plan Today for Tomorrow’s Unexpected You work hard every day to provide for your family financially and without your income, your family’s lives may change immensely. The first aspect to consider when planning [...]

How Much Life Insurance is Enough for You?2017-10-11T22:50:07-05:00

What is Key Man Life Insurance?

As a business owner or board member of a company, you know that working hard on a day-to-day basis to take care of your business is just one facet, but planning for those unfortunate situations that may happen in the future can be devastating if you aren’t prepared. For example, would your business be prepared if one of your key people dies unexpectedly? Key man (or key person) life insurance will provide coverage in a situation like this. So, what is key man life insurance? It is designed to give business owners the peace of mind knowing that if something does happen to one of their key players, they will have the resources to continue [...]

What is Key Man Life Insurance?2017-10-11T21:32:25-05:00

The Top 3 Reasons You Need Life Insurance

You read about life insurance, you hear about it, and you most certainly see ads for it and the consensus is, YOU NEED LIFE INSURANCE, but do you really know much about life insurance and do you actually need it? Before you sit down with your N.C. independent insurance agent, you need to find out the top 3 reasons you need life insurance. Life Can Be Short So Think Long Term The thought of being invincible can be comforting, but in actuality, it is not realistic and within a blink of an eye, your life can end. Imagine that you have a wife and 2 children who depend on you financially and suddenly your life [...]

The Top 3 Reasons You Need Life Insurance2017-10-11T20:35:48-05:00
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