Tom Wiecek is your local Dave Ramsey ELP Endorsed Insurance ProviderTom's Blog

"That's Not Covered" are the Last Words You want to Hear. That's Why We Want to Help You Understand How You Are Protected and Not Protected. This Resource Can Help You Make Informed Insurance Buying Decisions So YOu Can Get the RIGHT Insurance Protection for Your Needs.

Tom Wiecek, President

Cover Your ASSets with a Personal Umbrella Policy

You may not know what a personal umbrella policy is, or if you do know, then you may not think you need one. Accidents happen all the time, no matter how careful you are, and the last thing you need is a lawsuit that may strip you of all of your assets. Jeopardizing everything you have worked for may make your realize you need to cover your ASSets with a personal umbrella policy. What is a N.C. Personal Umbrella Policy?  A N.C. personal umbrella insurance policy is designed to provide protection for you and your family above and beyond (otherwise knows as excess liability insurance) the policy limits of your home, auto, or any other [...]

Cover Your ASSets with a Personal Umbrella Policy2017-10-11T20:39:55-05:00

Why You Should Hire Safe Drivers for Your Commercial Vehicles

As a business owner, you know that safety is of utmost importance each and every time one of your commercial vehicles is taken out on a job. In a split second, an accident can happen if your driver is distracted, under the influence, or careless in the operation of one of your fleet cars. Find out why you should hire safe drivers for your commercial vehicles, because it could make the difference in whether you stay in business. Take Action Before Your Driver Hits the Road Before you hire a driver to operate one of your commercial vehicles, it is best to do your homework to avoid what could potentially be the demise of your [...]

Why You Should Hire Safe Drivers for Your Commercial Vehicles2017-10-11T20:38:35-05:00

Important Coverages for Condo Associations

Condo building(s), which are typically multi unit residential operations, are unique in size, occupancy, and location and thus each condo building requires a unique insurance policy referred to as the Master Condo Association Insurance Policy. Condo associations are established in the condo community in order to oversee the management of the condo building and ensure that the operations run smoothly for protection of the residents. This is how and why every condo building is required to have a master condo association insurance policy with important coverages for condo associations. Below Are Some Afforded Coverage Options That Are Available Under Your N.C. Business Condo Association Policy, But Not Limited to: General Liability- A master condo association [...]

Important Coverages for Condo Associations2017-10-11T20:37:23-05:00

Know What Happens When Your Car is Considered a Total Loss

Each time you operate your vehicle, you run the risk of being involved in an auto accident. While backing out of your driveway, you failed to look cautiously and pulled right out into the path of another vehicle. The damages to your vehicle look significant and you THINK it is totaled, but do you know what happens when your car is considered a total loss? Factors to Consider When Determining if Your Car is a Total Loss Your car looks like a total loss, but how do you really determine whether it is or not? You cannot tell just by looking at the cosmetic damages because once there is a substantial impact, there may be [...]

Know What Happens When Your Car is Considered a Total Loss2017-10-11T20:36:15-05:00

The Top 3 Reasons You Need Life Insurance

You read about life insurance, you hear about it, and you most certainly see ads for it and the consensus is, YOU NEED LIFE INSURANCE, but do you really know much about life insurance and do you actually need it? Before you sit down with your N.C. independent insurance agent, you need to find out the top 3 reasons you need life insurance. Life Can Be Short So Think Long Term The thought of being invincible can be comforting, but in actuality, it is not realistic and within a blink of an eye, your life can end. Imagine that you have a wife and 2 children who depend on you financially and suddenly your life [...]

The Top 3 Reasons You Need Life Insurance2017-10-11T20:35:48-05:00

Do’s and Don’ts if You Get Pulled Over by Police

It seems almost every day there is news of somebody getting pulled over by a police officer and how it all went wrong. If you have ever experienced being pulled over, you KNOW the feeling of panic, or even anger, but there are some very important Do’s and Don’ts if you get pulled over by police that will reduce this panic and keep everyone safe. A routine traffic stop can end up being very dangerous if you are not careful. Below are some basic tips to promote safety for you, the officer, and others that are in the area: DO safely pull off the road to a secure location, which may be a parking lot [...]

Do’s and Don’ts if You Get Pulled Over by Police2017-10-11T20:32:57-05:00

Are Your N.C. Auto Liability Insurance Limits Right for You?

The state mandates that if you own a vehicle, you must have insurance to protect that vehicle. Your N.C. auto insurance policy is designed to provide protection against the many risks that surround owning and operating a vehicle. Keep in mind that each and every time you get behind the wheel, you run the risk of causing an accident. Are YOUR N.C. auto liability insurance limits right for you? The Purpose of Auto Liability Insurance Imagine you are on your way to work, consumed with the many daily tasks you have in front of you, when you fail to see the red light and cause an accident, which injures several people and causes significant damage [...]

Are Your N.C. Auto Liability Insurance Limits Right for You?2017-10-11T20:31:47-05:00

What to Do After a Business Insurance Loss

A few minutes is all it takes for wind, fire or water to cause significant damage to your business property, but if you are equipped to handle the aftermath, your business can be up and running again in no time. Working hard to establish your business is a priority and so should the insurance that protects that business. Having the right type of N.C business insurance BEFORE an insurance loss happens is fundamental, but knowing what to do AFTER a business insurance loss is just as important. Some Basic Tips to Follow After a Business Insurance Loss  Suppose your N.C. business suffers major damages as a result of a fire due to an electrical malfunction [...]

What to Do After a Business Insurance Loss2017-10-11T20:30:52-05:00

The Importance of Business Income Coverage

You have worked hard to establish your business and feel assured you have the right type of insurance coverage to protect your building, personal property and business autos, but do you have ALL of the appropriate needed coverage to protect your business should disaster strike?  Imagine your business suffers significant damage due to a fire, resulting in the doors being closed for business for an estimated 6 months while the restoration is being done.  Will your current business coverage provide compensation for all of the lost income? Knowing the importance of business income coverage is vital if you want to keep your business afloat when a covered loss causes destruction to your N.C. business. What [...]

The Importance of Business Income Coverage2017-10-11T20:20:00-05:00

How to Avoid Loss of Income Due to Equipment Breakdown

No matter what type of business you own, you utilize various types of equipment and at any given time, they could fail to work.  Would you know what to do if any piece of that equipment were to break down?  When you run a business, you can expect unfortunate events to occur, but when they do, knowing how to avoid loss of income due to equipment breakdown is imperative if you want your N.C. business to prevail. Expect the Unexpected Imagine you are the owner of a high-rise apartment building that houses elderly residents when the A/C motor malfunctioned, resulting in excess of 92-degree temperatures.  As a result of this equipment failure, many “spot coolers” [...]

How to Avoid Loss of Income Due to Equipment Breakdown2017-10-12T00:01:09-05:00
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