What to Do After a Business Insurance Loss

A few minutes is all it takes for wind, fire or water to cause significant damage to your business property, but if you are equipped to handle the aftermath, your business can be up and running again in no time. Working hard to establish your business is a priority and so should the insurance that protects that business. Having the right type of N.C business insurance BEFORE an insurance loss happens is fundamental, but knowing what to do AFTER a business insurance loss is just as important. Some Basic Tips to Follow After a Business Insurance Loss  Suppose your N.C. business suffers major damages as a result of a fire due to an electrical malfunction [...]

What to Do After a Business Insurance Loss2017-10-11T20:30:52-05:00

The Importance of Business Income Coverage

You have worked hard to establish your business and feel assured you have the right type of insurance coverage to protect your building, personal property and business autos, but do you have ALL of the appropriate needed coverage to protect your business should disaster strike?  Imagine your business suffers significant damage due to a fire, resulting in the doors being closed for business for an estimated 6 months while the restoration is being done.  Will your current business coverage provide compensation for all of the lost income? Knowing the importance of business income coverage is vital if you want to keep your business afloat when a covered loss causes destruction to your N.C. business. What [...]

The Importance of Business Income Coverage2017-10-11T20:20:00-05:00

How to Avoid Loss of Income Due to Equipment Breakdown

No matter what type of business you own, you utilize various types of equipment and at any given time, they could fail to work.  Would you know what to do if any piece of that equipment were to break down?  When you run a business, you can expect unfortunate events to occur, but when they do, knowing how to avoid loss of income due to equipment breakdown is imperative if you want your N.C. business to prevail. Expect the Unexpected Imagine you are the owner of a high-rise apartment building that houses elderly residents when the A/C motor malfunctioned, resulting in excess of 92-degree temperatures.  As a result of this equipment failure, many “spot coolers” [...]

How to Avoid Loss of Income Due to Equipment Breakdown2017-10-12T00:01:09-05:00

Must Have Insurance Coverage Options for Painting Contractors

Your painting business means a lot, which is why you have worked hard to establish it. With any business, there are inherent risks involved that could totally destroy it, leaving you financially in ruins. Without the right painting contractor insurance, you may be only one fall away from having to close up shop. Whether you run a large company with many employees or are a one-man operation, there are must have insurance coverage options for painting contractors just like you of which you need to be aware. Unfortunate Events Can Happen In the blink of an eye, unfortunate events can and will happen. Imagine you have a worker on a job site, painting on a [...]

Must Have Insurance Coverage Options for Painting Contractors2017-10-12T00:00:40-05:00

10 Important Coverage Options for Contractors

As a contractor, you hold a lot of responsibility in the palm of your hands; but if something goes wrong, will you have the right kind of insurance protection you need and deserve? At the drop of a hat, an accident can occur that could damage your building, business personal property, one of your employees, or a customer’s property, leaving YOU vulnerable to a financial disaster. Being aware of 10 important coverage options for contractors may lead to a greater peace of mind that is priceless. Beware of Hidden Dangers!  It is time to expose some risks involved in the life of a contractor. Your standard business insurance policy does indeed provide coverage for many [...]

10 Important Coverage Options for Contractors2018-04-26T00:45:18-05:00

What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)?

If you are a small business owner, you run the risk of being faced with an employment claim. Simply put, this means being sued! Even if you only have one employee, that risk is still there so protecting your small business is imperative. Did you know that most settlements for these types of claims range from $27,800-$50,200? These types of payouts, inclusive of legal fees, could spell disaster for your company. Protecting your small business is not difficult with an Employment Practices Liability Insurance endorsement. What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) and how can it help YOU and YOUR BUSINESS? Imagine this Happening to Your Small Business Would your small business be able to [...]

What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)?2018-04-26T00:43:53-05:00

Insurance Loss Control Survey and Inspection

If your phone rings and the voice on the other end states he/she is a representative of your commercial insurance carrier and would like to schedule an insurance loss control survey and inspection at your North Carolina business, the best thing you can do is open the door to your business wide open. What is a Loss Control Survey?  A loss control survey and inspection is an individual assessment at your business to evaluate possible hazards (fire hazards, water leaks, etc.) that may negatively impact your business operations or harm your employees. The overall goal of this inspection is to create a safe working environment and prevent future losses from happening. Your North Carolina commercial [...]

Insurance Loss Control Survey and Inspection2017-10-11T23:53:00-05:00

Tips on How to Avoid Slips, Trips, and Falls

No matter how safe or cautious you are, accidents do happen. In fact, slips, trips and falls happen at the workplace all the time, whether it is a customer or an employee. Unfortunately, when this sort of accident occurs, it can be financially devastating for the business due to potential lawsuits from a customer; extensive workers’ compensation claims filed by the employee(s) for medical bills and lost wages, or liability claims from the injured customer. Although accidents do occur, there are tips on how to avoid slips, trips and falls. Common Causes of Slips, Trips, and Falls 66% of slips, trips, and falls happen on flat, walking services, while the remaining 34% of slips/falls result [...]

Tips on How to Avoid Slips, Trips, and Falls2018-04-26T00:40:38-05:00

What Type of N.C. Restaurant Insurance is Best for Your Restaurant?

As a restaurant owner, you understand that running your business can be many things including fun, exciting, and demanding, just to name a few. Protecting your restaurant with the RIGHT N.C. restaurant insurance can be complex and confusing with so many available options. So, how do you know what type of N.C. restaurant insurance is best for your restaurant? First of all, as the restaurant owner, you know that one size does not fit all. Each restaurant is different so what may work for yours may not work for the one across the street. However, what all North Carolina restaurant owners DO need for their insurance protection is: Building Protection Business Personal Property General Liability [...]

What Type of N.C. Restaurant Insurance is Best for Your Restaurant?2018-04-26T00:40:21-05:00

Why Every Business Needs Business Income Coverage

Your business is set up, things are running smoothly, and everyone seems to be happy until a covered loss happens, and then what?  Let's say that a fire occurs, resulting in business interruption and a drop in revenues.  Will your North Carolina business insurance cover you for loss of income?  Here is why every business needs business income coverage. Without a building, the employees do not have a place to work, sales go unfulfilled and customers have to go elsewhere for their orders. One hour of destruction can take years to rebuild. Reestablishing business income is your main objective and that’s where NC business income coverage becomes vital to your business operations! What is NC [...]

Why Every Business Needs Business Income Coverage2018-04-26T00:35:57-05:00
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