Food Safety for Mobile CarriersIf you are in the business of shipping, transporting, receiving food, or insuring those who are, then you need to pay attention to the FSMA regarding the safety of food that is non-packaged for animal or human consumption. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has publicized this Act citing that “contaminated” foods should not be permitted in the food supply chain going to either animals or people.  So, what is the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)?

This rule (FSMA), that is government regulated, changes the relationship between the transportation companies and the shipper when it comes to the transportation of food, because now there is an Act that is 283 pages long that places the weight on shippers to make sure that there are rules set in place to keep food safe, properly cooled, and the transporting mobile carriers cleaned. Everyone involved, including shippers, transportation companies, insurers, and agents need to be aware of the rules/regulations and comply with the Act to avoid being exposed to liability situations that could be dangerous. 

Food Safety Has to Be First 

Anyone and everyone involved in transporting human and animal food MUST follow the rules/regulations to ensure the food being shipped from farm to table is sanitary, exposed to controlled, adequate, regulated temperatures and ultimately provide a safe environment for food transportation.

FSMA Establishes Requirements That State: 

  • Measures are taken during transportation- the vehicles that are used to transport food must be capable of carrying food in a clean, suitable manner with temperatures that are adequate for the safe transportation of food.
  • Proper training is involved in the sanitary transportation of food- Precise training is mandatory for carriers and shippers regarding the sanitary circumstances during the haulage.
  • Written procedures/records, training (required of carriers), and written agreements must be maintained.
  • Shippers must implement a written system to ensure that the vehicles and equipment are suitable for transporting foods safely.
  • Shippers must make sure that any previous mode of transportation prior to them was adequate and followed safety practices.
  • Shippers must ensure the temperature is within the safety guidelines while transporting food.
  • Any food that has become under safety questioning CANNOT be sold or distributed until a FDA inspector has done an inspection. 

If a load is disallowed, there must be a call for an inspection by a FDA inspector to decide if the food has any value. Once the inspector has completed his report, there will be written documentation as to whether the food is okay to sell, totally declined, or partially salvaged. 

So, whether you are a shipper, transporter, insurer, agent, or inspector, you need to be aware of the government imposed rules and regulations that affect the entire insurance industry. If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to contact our office at 866-869-3335.



