Beware-Cheap Insurance Can Be Very CostlyTypically, before investing your hard earned money into a home, business, or an auto, you research the available options and decide on the option that best fits your needs, but what about your insurance for your home, business or auto? Because insurance is not something you can visually see or touch, it may be a more difficult notion to grasp; however, you must also research your insurance before simply choosing the cheapest, most advertised insurance. Beware-cheap insurance can be very costly.

Visualize This Happening…

Late one day when driving home from work in heavy traffic, you are distracted for a split second and fail to see stopped traffic ahead. Unable to stop or even slow down, you plow into the rear end of the car in front of you. The end result is that the car you negligently hit is deemed to be a total loss with an actual cash value of $40,000. You don’t even remember what your property damage limits were when you chose that “cheap” insurance you saw advertised on the television. All you remember is that it promised to deliver the cheapest price around, but will it deliver the best quality of insurance coverage to protect you from the damages you caused in this accident?

Let’s assume that the coverage limits of liability you chose was the N.C. minimum of $25,000 (for property damage) and yet the value of the car you totaled is $40,000. Are you financially equipped to pay, out of pocket, the remaining balance of $15,000? In the end, you may have saved up front costs by choosing an insurance policy with minimum N.C. limits of liability, but for a nominal amount extra per month, you would be protected from this type of financial endangerment.

Look Before You Leap

Always look around for the best insurance value for your insurance needs and don’t just leap on the first insurance promo that promises the cheapest price around. You must research the afforded coverage options and make a sound decision based on your financial foundation and insurance needs, whether it is for your home, car, or business.

With the assistance of your N.C. independent insurance agent, you can sink your money into something that will, in the long run, protect YOU, your interest, your property, and your financial security. We can deliver sound advice, direction, and explain the best coverage options that will meet all of your needs! You deserve to know where your money is going and the peace of mind of knowing you will be protected with the right type of insurance, should an accident happen.

